November 29 – December 17
“We (doctors) thought we could cure everything,
but it turns out that we can only cure a small amount
of human suffering.
The rest of it needs to be healed, and that's different.
It's different.
I think science defines life in its
own way,
but life is larger than science.
Life is filled with
mystery, courage, heroism, and love.
All these things that we can witness but
not measure
or even
understand, but they make our lives valuable anyway”.
Dr. Remen
Ophiuchus is located
between Aquila, Serpens and Hercules, northwest of the center of the Milky Way.
The southern part lies between Scorpius to the west and Sagittarius to the
east. It is best visible in the northern summer and located opposite Orion in
the sky. Ophiuchus is depicted as a man grasping a serpent; the interposition
of his body divides the snake constellation Serpens into two parts, Serpens
Caput and Serpens Cauda, which are nonetheless counted as one constellation.
Pronounced 'o-few-cus', it is one of 13 constellations
that our sun and moon pass through during the year. Originally it was
identified by Ptolemy. Oddly it does not feature in either the tropical or
sidereal zodiacs that are used by astrologers today.
Considering that this constellation is at the center of both the divine cross in the heavens, formed by the galactic equator and the ecliptic, and the terrestrial mundane cross formed by the equinoxes this is quite a serious omission especially since these two crosses align every 13,000 years and just did in 2012.
The Sun enters the constellation of Ophiuchus every year between November 30th and December 17th. Those born during this time span are believed to harbor innate healing abilities. If you were born during this time span and feel strongly that you are a healer, you can add these ‘possible qualities’ to those of your Sagittarius Sun Sign!
Corrected ZODIAC:
= APRIL 19 - MAY 13
= MAY 14 - JUNE 19
= JUNE 20 - JULY 20
= JULY 21 - AUG 9
= NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 17 (Mercury)
= MARCH 12 - APRIL 18
Ophiuchus - the 13th Sign of the Zodiac?
Ophiuchus - the 13th Sign of the Zodiac?
by Dieter Koch
must never equate Sun signs with fixed star constellations.
Every few years we hear the same old news from critics of
astrology, mostly astronomers and physicists who know nothing about astrology.
They argue that the signs of the zodiac used by astrologers do not correspond to the actual constellations of stars on the sky. They say that the real star constellations have been shifting relative to the astrological signs by nearly one month in the course of the last 2000 years. They explain this with the so-called precession of the equinoxes.
In addition, they claim that astrologers suppress a 13th constellation, the Serpent Bearer (Ophiuchus), despite the fact that the Sun passes each year through this constellation.
These statements are true in a certain sense. But they are based on naïve and incorrect assumptions about the essence and history of astrology, and therefore they miss the target. Those who argue against astrology that way may well understand a bit about astronomy. But they are incompetent regarding astrology and have not done their homework. They speak in the media about something they have never studied.
Ptolemy was fully aware of precession
Already in the second century C.E. the astrologer and astronomer Ptolemy was fully aware of precession and the
issues mentioned above. He knew that the equinoctial points were slowly shifting
in relations to the star constellations – by about 1° in the course of a human
life span of 72 years (Ptolemy, Almagest VII.2.f). Still, he decided to give up
star constellations and to let the zodiac begin with 0° Aries at the spring
equinoctial point (Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos 1.10f). Why? He did this in the
opinions that the actual constellations of fixed stars were not relevant for
astrology, that the sun signs should be fixed at the cardinal points of the
Sun's annual path. Aries begins at the spring equinox, Cancer at the summer
solstice, Libra at the autumn equinox and Capricorn at the winter solstice.
Ptolemy's decision was only logical because astrologers had always considered sun signs to be related to the seasons. In ancient Mesopotamia around 2000 B.C.E. the appearance of the Libra stars immediately before sunrise in fitting symbolism indicated the autumn equinox (as documented by cuneiform text Mul.apin I iii 1-2). 1000 years later, when this rule did not work anymore due to the shifting of the equinoxes by precession, the beginning of autumn was redefined as the entry of the Sun into Libra.
signs vers. fixed star constellations
Modern astrology has remained true to this old tradition. It does
not consider constellations of the fixed stars, but divides the zodiac in
correspondence to the cardinal points of the seasons. The actual star
constellations in the sky are astrologically irrelevant. One must never equate
Sun signs (signs of the zodiac) with fixed star constellations. Fixed star
constellations are configurations of stars visible in the sky, sun signs
however cannot be seen in the sky. They are mathematical divisions of the
annual path of the Sun in the sky, of precisely 30° size for each of the 12
If astronomers claim that astrology cannot be true because it does not use the actual star constellations, they claim this in the mistaken belief that astrologers have forgotten where the fixed star constellations are. In fact, every astrologer knows they are different from the astrological zodiac signs. The historical truth few are concerned with lies in the fact that the fixed star constellations received their names from the seasons and from the annual rhythm of the Sun's movement, not the other way around. Where the constellations are found nowadays in the sky is simply irrelevant. The astrologer is only interested in the sun signs, based on the seasons.
Now what about Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer? Because this is also – only – a fixed star constellation, it has no astrological relevance. The Sun passes through it nowadays between 29 november and 17 december, which falls into the astrological sign of Sagittarius.
Asclepius was a Greek hero who later become the Greek god of medicine and healing. The son of Apollo and Coronis, Asclepius had five daughters, Aceso, Iaso, Panacea, Aglaea and Hygieia. He was worshipped throughout the Greek isles. The main symbol of Asclepius is a physician’s staff with a snake wrapped around it; this is how he was depicted in the art of healing, and his symbol still survives to this day as the sign of the modern medical profession.
Hermes, the herald of the Olympian gods, is the son of Zeus and the nymph Maia, daughter of Atlas and one of the Pleiades. Hermes is the god of shepherds, land travel, merchants, weights and measures, oratory, literature, athletics and thieves, and known for his cunning and shrewdness. Most importantly, he is the messenger of the gods. Besides that he was also a minor patron of poetry. He too was worshiped throughout Greece.
Today, two serpent motifs are commonly used to symbolize the practice and profession of medicine. Internationally, the most popular symbol of medicine is the single serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios (Latin, Aesculapius), the ancient Greco-Roman god of medicine. However, in the United States, the staff of Asklepios (the Asklepian) and a double serpent-entwined staff with surmounting wings (the caduceus) are both popular medical symbols. The latter symbol is often designated as the “medical caduceus” and is equated with the ancient caduceus, the double serpent-entwined staff of the Greco-Roman god Hermes (Latin, Mercury). Many physicians would be surprised to learn that the medical caduceus has a quite modern origin: Its design is derived not from the ancient caduceus of Hermes but from the printer’s mark of a popular 19th-century medical publisher. Furthermore, this modern caduceus became a popular medical symbol only after its adoption by the U.S. Army Medical Corps at the beginning of the 20th century.
(UF Chapman Society)
Are you an Ophiuchid/Ophiuchan?
People often ask me how to incorporate Ophiuchus in to their own chart and unfortunately there is no easy answer. Vedic astrology may be an option. However I will share with you the following links:
How to interpret Ophiuchus as the Astrological Nativity
Walter Berg is a British astronomer/astrologer
who wrote the book 'The 13 Signs of the Zodiac'
Bucksfanian astrology - don't forget to take the links
from the menu on the right hand side of the page.

Hopi Blue Star or Blue Kachina
An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy says: "When the
Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will
emerge". This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. It will
come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina
dances in the plaza and removes his mask.”
of dreams, vivid premonitions,
- attracts good luck and fruitful blessings,
- serpent holder, lofty ideals,
- a seeker of peace and harmony,
- doctor of medicine or science, natural-pathic,
- adds, increases, joins, or gathers together
- poetical, inventive nature, expanding qualities,
- seeks higher education and wisdom,
- overseer, supervisor of work,
- fame - either grand, or completely misunderstood,
- longevity, aspirations of healing the ills of man,
- architect, builder, reaches for the stars, figuratively and literally,
- tax assessor, or levys taxes,
- astrological talents, intuitive,
- large family indicated, but apt to be separated from them when
- young,
- the number twelve holds great significance,
- foresight and good fortune to benefit from hard times,
- has secret enemies in family or close associations,
- many jealous of this subject,
- notable father, apple of father's eye when young,
- high position in life expected [depending on aspects] highest
- fame and legend comes after death
- feelings of granular, wise, genius mentality,
- likes to wear clothing of vibrant colors, and plaids in particular,
- receives the favor of those in authority.
Spiritually this is the time for us to heal ourselves in view of the coming birth of light!
“Inside of you, there is a place that has never been
wounded. You can start to heal from Here”.
Irish Poet, Philosopher: John O’Donahue
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