April 20 - May 20
"I, Isis, am all that hath been,
That is or
Shall be,
I, who made light from my feathers,
I, who made light from my feathers,
The wind from my wings,
No mortal man ever hath me unveiled! –
No mortal man ever hath me unveiled! –
Until now."
- Invocation of Isis
- Invocation of Isis
May Dates:
Beltane, in Gaelic folklore, cattle were driven between two
fires to purify them and bring
luck (Eadar dà theine Bhealltainn in Scottish 'Between
two fires of Beltane').
Mother's Day, Began in USA.Wesak or Visakah Puja ("Buddha Day") Full moon in May, Traditionally, Buddha's Birthday, also called Vesak, a major Buddhist festival celebrating the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha on the one day, except in a leap year when the festival is held in June. See Wesak chapter.
Sarah, gypsy pilgrimage to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
The next day is in honor of the Saints Sarah, Marie Jacobe and Marie Salome.
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, “And when Elizabeth
heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and
Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and she exclaimed with a loud cry, "Blessed are you
among women, and blessed is the fruit of your
womb! Luke 1:39-56
Native American Moon:
Flower Moon,
Corn Planting Moon
or Milk Moon. For obvious reasons in harmony with nature this month radiates
Wiccan Moon: Full Flower Moon. Flowers are
abundant everywhere. This is a good time to work on magic related to careers
and jobs.
In the Indian pantheon, Lord Siva, the Great God, has a white
bull, Nandi, for his vehicle. Veneration of the bull which began in
pre-historic times, in the pre-dynastic Egypt is evident from the colossal
bulls painted in the caves of Lascaux. In Egypt, the bull was worshipped for
its power of procreation. As we explore the deeper symbolic meanings of Taurus,
it represents Divine Energy, which makes the manifestation possible. It is
among the four sacred animals who are the Maharajas of the four quarters, and
presides over the south, called in Sanskrit Rishabha, dedicated to Yama, the
god of the Underworld.
is the focus of Taurus. For most people this implies a yearning to enjoy and
satisfy the desires of the world of five senses.
However, for the spiritually minded
individual it gives instead a wish and strive to liberate herself from desire, to
learn to develop an inner peace. The lower aspect of peace is passivity and
inertia, and Taurus may have therefore an important choice between action and
If Taurus is strong in your horoscope it may
be a good idea to ask yourself the question if the actions you perform in daily
life are motivated and ruled by emotion and desire or if they have their origin
in intuition and the inner voice. If you have this in mind you can see with
clarity on your situation and your life
Taurus has a strong will and perseverance.
For the mature soul, this will manifest as an uncompromising determination to
give up everything that keeps her away from the soul. For the young soul it
will manifest as stubbornness and conservatism. The goal of Taurus is inner
peace, be careful not to become stuck in a search for comfort and not to be
possessive in relationships and with material things.
Zodiac Myths and Legends:
Taurus was represented by both the sun and the moon, its
symbol being sometimes a bull, sometimes a cow. Taurus was usually connected
with sun gods, such as Osiris, Apis Hathor; and with moon goddesses such as or
Isis, Diana, Cybele.
the sacred bull of Egypt was pictured often with the sun-disk between his
horns, being one of the few deities associated with this symbol. His conception was
by a ray from heaven. When the disk was shown on his head with his horns and
the triangle of his forehead, an ankh was suggested. Apis is unique because he
is the only Egyptian deity represented solely as an animal, never as a human
with an animal's head.

ancient myth associated with this sign of the zodiac comes to us from Crete. It
is the myth of the Minotaur and the labyrinth from the Minoan civilization. In
Greek is Minotavros = the bull of Minos, half man with the
head of a bull.
The Minotaur never ventured outside a cave
the inhabitants of Crete built for him. A cave or labyrinth so convoluted that
no one ever escaped once they entered.
The Cretans fed him prisoners and this is
how Theseus encountered him. Theseus killed the monster but only
with the help of Ariadne (name meaning “most holy or most pure”) who helped by
giving him a sword and a ball of red thread
she was spinning to for finding his way out of the labyrinth.
It is rarely mentioned that a Lady or Mistress
presided over the Labyrinth. The image of the bull represents our animal ego,
the labyrinth our lives, Ariadne our inner voice and the ball of red thread,
our tie to humanity. The lesson here is that when our ego is ready to die we
can turn around and serve all humanity.
Another famous Bull is the guardian Nandi (the white bull), the gentle carrier of the God Shiva the Destroyer. A statue of Nandi can often be seen watching over a main shrine or temple entrance in India. The bull is said to embody sexual energy, fertility. Riding on its back, shows Shiva is in control of these impulses.
labyrinths were believed to have served as traps for malevolent spirits or as walkways
for ritual dances. They were a puzzle and like our lives, they only have one
entrance and one destination.
A Labyrinth can serve as a walking
meditation, a call to mindfulness. The full renaissance of the medieval
labyrinth came about during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries when grand labyrinths were built in gothic cathedrals,
notably Chartres, Reims and Amiens in northern France and the Duomo di Siena in
Many modern labyrinths exist today in churches, hospitals and parks. Walking among the turnings, one loses track of direction and of the outside world, and thus the exercise quiets the mind. Labyrinths bring us unwittingly to the heart of the matter.
Many modern labyrinths exist today in churches, hospitals and parks. Walking among the turnings, one loses track of direction and of the outside world, and thus the exercise quiets the mind. Labyrinths bring us unwittingly to the heart of the matter.

Native Americans would make a medicine wheel
garden with four spokes and twenty two stones, often near a sweat lodge.
to Make a Labyrinth
Few things are more rewarding than creating
a labyrinth and walking it afterwards. The love and care that go into the
building - and in the walking, are powerful transformers of energy. This spot
becomes a sacred space just by this activity.
You begin with a
seed pattern, the basic building block. The example here is a Classical Seven
Circuit Labyrinth. The Chartres-type is a bit more difficult to construct.
Robert Ferrè tells us how to make one of these labyrinths with tape. You can bury bricks in the ground so the mower can pass over them easily.
May Day
This again, like the myth of Nut from Egypt, created a space between heaven and earth in which mankind could live. The pole is a phallic symbol and the dance, a celebration of the coming fertility of summer. Only women would dance traditionally. The tree later became a column in many societies and a further look into the symbolism of the column can be found in the chapter on Gemini.
How to Dance the Maypole
1. Put the Maypole together. Unless
you have access to a Maypole that has already been made for this purpose, you
will need to make your own. Find a tall pole and attach ribbons or strong
streamers at the top of the pole. These ribbons will need to be an even number,
the same number of ribbons as there are dancers.
2. Divide the dancers into two groups.
For example, you might have them count off one, two, one, two, one, two around
the circle. The One’s can go clockwise and the Two's go counterclockwise. The
dancers go alternately right and left of the dancers going in the opposite
3. Develop a pattern. The pattern the
dancers should keep in mind is over, under, over, under, over, under etc.
the count of "over", the dancer raises his ribbon slightly so the
dancer coming in the opposite direction can duck under his ribbon.
the count of "under" the dancer ducks under the ribbon of the dancer
coming in the opposite direction.
Beltane Fires
The Beltane festival marks the coming
of age of the young Sun God into manhood. Nature flourishes and He is stirred
by this abundance of energy. The Ancient Nature God desires the Goddess. They
fall in love and unite. The Goddess becomes pregnant, which ensures new life for the harvest. Beltane celebrates the first stirrings of vitality, passion,
love, and desires consummated. (See appendix on Wiccan year).
Beltane (or Bealtaine) meaning
"bright fire", was historically a Gaelic festival celebrated in
Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. Bealtaine and Samhain were the important dates of the farming year in medieval Ireland, though the latter
festival was the more important
Beltane marks the beginning of the pastoral
summer season when the herds of livestock are driven out to the summer pastures
and mountain grazing lands. In Gaelic folklore, the village cattle were driven
between two fires to purify them and
bring luck (Eadar dà theine Bhealltainn in Scottish Gaelic, 'Between two fires
of Beltane'). This term is also found in Irish and is used as a turn of phrase
to describe a situation which is difficult to escape from. In Scotland, boughs
of juniper were sometimes thrown on the fires to add an additional element of
purification and blessing to the smoke. People also would pass between the two
fires to purify themselves. Native Americans used cedar and sage.
The festival persisted widely up until the
1950s, and in some places the celebration of Beltane continues today. In
medieval Ireland, the main Bealtaine fire was held on the central hill of
Uisneach 'the navel of Ireland', one of the ritual centers of the country,
which is located in what is now County Westmeath.
Many Wiccans and Neopagans today observe the
traditional bonfire rites when this is feasible where they live, including the
dousing of the household hearth flame and relighting of it from the community
festival fire.
Some decorate May Bushes and prepare seasonal foods. Pilgrimages to holy wells are traditional at this time, and offerings and prayers to the spirits or devas of the wells are usually part of this practice. Crafts such as the making of equal-armed rowan crosses (dedicated to St Brigit) are common, and rituals for the blessing and protection of the household and land are performed.
Day (US)
M. Jarvis campaigned for the creation of an official Mother’s Day in
remembrance of her mother and in honor of peace in the US. In 1908, Anna
petitioned the superintendent of the church where her Mother had spent over 20
years teaching Sunday School. Her request was honored, and on May 10, 1908, the
first official Mother's Day celebration took place at Andrew's Methodist Church
in Grafton, West Virginia and a church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
During the Full Moon in May, the Buddha Who
dwells far beyond our earth’s consciousness, will give, once again, His very
special blessing to humankind. A Blessing, which will be received by the
assembled members of Hierarchy in which we may share to distribute and shower
over the earth, the great Power of Love, Love that conquers all obstacles. Love
that is a living balm and which soothes all pains and makes all hearts radiant with
the joy of this Blessing. (See chapter on Wesak.)
This is one of the most important full moons
of the year for the spiritualist and occultist. We have been taught that a
descent of energies, having its source in the Pleiades, is directed to Earth
through the Great Being we call Buddha, the Enlightened One, sometimes called
the Flower of Humanity.
These forces culminate on the day of the
full moon and come to earth in a special Valley in Tibet,
physical and super-physical. The Members of the Great Spiritual Hierarchy come
together and a great ceremony is performed to receive, transform and re-enforce
the energies which then are distributed to the whole planet.
also known as Sara-la-Kali ,"Sara the Black", is the patron
saint of the Roma (Gypsy) people. She is venerated at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer,
a place of pilgrimage for the Roma in Camargue, southern France. Legend says
she was a native of Upper Egypt and the servant of Mary Jacobe,one of the Three
Marys, with whom she travelled: (Mary Magdalene, Mary Jacobi and Mary
Salomé, the mother of Apostles John and James). They allegedly arrived on these shore
in “a boat with no oars” in AD 42, (according to French legend) bringing with
them the Holy Grail and the “good news” of Christianity in their hearts (though
it had yet to be written!). They were to voyage to Britain to meet with high
Druids, perhaps in the company of Joseph of Aramthea, then Mary the Madonna settled in southern France to live.
The festival of Saint Sarah and “Les Maries”
is held in Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer beginning on the evening of May 23 with
music and street dancing. Gypsies and tourists flock to the town to celebrate
the “vigil” of the eve of St Sarah. The 24th is the actual feast of St. Sarah. A local bishop says high
Mass in her honor, and the townspeople escort St. Sarah’s statue, (“Our Lady of the Sea”) dressed in seven
layers of beautiful gowns created by tribes of Gypsy women, to the sea. Gypsy
men on white horses carry the statue on a platform and stand in the waves while
the crowd signs hymns and shouts “Vive Ste. Sarah!”
There are several suggestions about why
Sarah is black: she is “Egyptian” (i.e. born in Egypt), she is obscure
(allegedly the maid-servant of the Maries, “just like Cinderella”) or, she is a
“hidden” offspring of the lineage of King David. There was said to be only one child on the boat in the French
legends and her name “Sarah” means “princess” in Hebrew.
May 24-25 is the feast of “Les Maries.” The
statue of two women with covered chalices standing in a blue boat is lowered
from its position above the altar and is escorted to the sea, similar to the
Sarah parade but this ceremony is on the next day.
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
On May 31, we celebrate the visitation of the
pregnant Mary to Elizabeth soon to be mother of John the Baptist. Even though he was still in his mother's womb, John
became aware of the presence of Christ, and leapt for joy as he was filled with
divine grace.
Elizabeth responded, and so, recognized the
presence of a high spiritual leader. Thus, Mary for the first time became aware
of her function as mediatrix between God and man. At this special moment, both
women were of made aware of the sacred work that lay ahead of them.
The special power of the Mother energies,
which are called Kundalini shatki, are especially active this month and bring
up from our deepest being, a driving life force. Our
heart controls our psychic energy: it is the receptacle, condenser and
transmitter of Pure White Light. This month is in direct opposition to
October/November when the veil is thinnest – the veil is now thickest. By
opposition, the connection inside us, in our hearts is easiest to connect to;
it is time to go inside, while the Kundalini is strongest. We are now able to carry a
seed of sacred love to fruition for the service of humanity if we are ready.
“Kundalini” is a Sanskrit word meaning
“coiled.” It is used to modify the noun “Shakti,” which means the spiritual
power dwelling within every human being. Kundalini Shakti is
the divine omnipotence surrounding the spark of Pure Consciousness at the core
of our innermost selves. It is the subtlest manifestation of the One, the
Ultimate Source, from which all is inseparable.
Realization of this inner sacred presence enables us to
develop spiritual union, fulfillment, enlightenment, liberation, at-one-ment.
This is the purpose of the spiritual endeavor, regardless of the terms used to
describe it or the methods used to reach it. Namaste means the spiritual light in me salutes this same light in you.
This inner Divine Guide is the very source of our
manifest existence, and its constant striving is to facilitate our union with our true
Self, the One.
Many coronations take place in this month of
Mary/May. Mary as The Queen of May mirrors her ancient counterpart, Maeve, The
May Queen,who was also traditionally crowned in May. Mary is Queen of the
Angels, similar to Maeve who was Queen of the Faeries.
is a wonderful time to start a spiritual practice, to embrace a religion or to
mediate on your connection with your guru.
Taurus is the constellation that contains the Pleiades. The Pleiades star cluster, known as the Seven Sisters is considered the center of our galaxy, it is said our sun circles around this cluster. These are the wives of the Great Richis, the seven brothers of the great bear (big dipper). It is from this center of the Pleiades, that profound spiritual energies come to us here on Terra. There is great wisdom to be found in mediating on this group of stars.
After sunset on April 2, 2012, Venus could
be seen close to the Pleiades. This happens only once in every eight years.
This event and its influence on our inner psyche is intense. Venus' will again
return, even closer to the Pleiades in 2020, it will be nearer to the central
star Alcyone and Maia. (See the Chapter
of The Pleiades).
This is a great time to plan and plant a
healing garden or a medicine wheel garden. Throughout history, gardens have
been used to aid in the healing process - from the Japanese Zen Garden to the
Monastic Cloister. Fortunately, with the recent interest in complementary and
alternative therapies, which emphasizes healing the whole person -- mind, body,
and spirit -- rather than simply alleviating symptoms, the interest in gardens
as healers has been revived.
Image: The Nebra
sky disk, dated c. 1600 BC. The cluster of dots near the upper right
portion of the disk is believed to be the Pleiades.
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