23 - September 22
Mary, Full of Grace,
of the Grids and Codes of Universal Consciousness.
bow to Thee, Mother of All People,
Protector and Goddess of the Sun/Son,
art Thou, Cosmic Mother.
be Thy Open Hearted Children”.
Maitreya's Homage to Lady
September Dates:
Ramadan, Muslim
Nativity of Mary, Christian, St.
Ann gives birth to Virgin Mary
Moon Cake Festival Chinese Taoist
Feast Day of Saint Sophia, Orthodox Christian, Saint Sophia,
Autumnal Equinox – Mabon, Wicca
Kings Week, Christian
Michael and All Angels, Christian
Rosh Hashanah, Jewish
Navaratri, Hindu
Moon: Harvest
Moon, A good time to clean and
clear up the issues of life. A ritual for healing old wounds, emotional and
physical, forgiving of transgressors and yourself. A good time for seeing clear through psychic fog and "letting
go" of old issues.
Element: Earth
Position: Mutable
Symbol: The Virgin
Planet: Mercury
Flower: Aster
Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli
Anatomy: Nervous system and intestines
Best Foods: Potassium sulphate:
green leafy vegetables , whole wheat, whole grain breads,
wheat germ oil, oats, almonds, cheese, oranges, bananas, lemons and honey.
Avoid: feeling overburdened by duty and guilt. Learn service and love.
Colors: Earthy brown, greens, navy blue
Action needed: Learn practicality
and the significance of service.
“I Analyze”
Virgo is the sign for practical service, and often these
natives will become laborious workers. Some people are good and kind and have
great visions, but are at the same time entirely inefficient in their daily
life and cannot put their dreams into effect. An ineffective idealist is one who
does not know how to help others and is of little use to humanity.
Virgo is the sign in which one learns practicality and
the significance of practical service. Your soul probably learned idealism in
previous lifetimes under the polar opposite sign, Pisces, and it is now time to
practice these ideals in daily life. You must learn to manifest your ideas. At
first this makes the selfish Virgo who uses matter for purely selfish purposes.
The next step is, a slowly emerging sense of duty that teaches
you to use this capacity in practical service; and finally, you learn to offer
service motivated by love. If you are a mature soul your lesson in Virgo is to
give service based on love and not on duty or feelings of guilt.
A spiritually-oriented Virgo tries to eliminate any
hindrance for her own or her group’s spiritual growth. It often happens,
however, that instead of eliminating the hindrances on your path you allow
yourself to be irritated by them, giving them undue attention -- but in doing
so you produce an effect in opposition to your wishes. By focusing your
attention on the positive, you will
eliminate the undesired by no longer providing it with a source of energy.
Anxiety, anguish and criticism often become a scourge for Virgo. Remember that
it is the light of the soul that shall guide you in your actions.
Your task in life is to develop loving, practical
service. When you have practiced the law of love for quite a long time you and
the environment around you will be transformed. It is the birth of what is
sometimes called the Christ-child, which is the long-term goal most of us are
striving to achieve
Myths and Legends:
The Symbol
of Virgo
She has also been called Demeter,
daughter of Astron (The Star), as The Maiden who holds the the gleaming Ear of Corn.
The entire month of September leads up to the celebration of
the great Sun Festival of King’s Week. The great yearly Balancing and
Judging period of
our Solar System during which time our Lord the Sun takes inventory of the achievements of all the planets and shows
all beings what must still be accomplished during the last three months of the
year, before the new message for the future year can be given out.
The Mother’s influence this month can be found in her mantle. Her
Mantle is now spread out over the world just as told in the ancient Celtic legend:
Birgit spread her Mantle over the sea and so created Ireland. We remember Her function as crowned queen on the
15th of August. Her mantle spreads over the earth now as a blue and
silver cloak of protection and purification.
The Mother of the Solar Light of the Sky represents the element
of fire and in her function as Sun Queen she aids in the creation of
the great Solar Festival. If, at this at this time we remember the Feminine
line of Initiations - In Christian mythology, Mary is born from Anne
both women arising from
immaculate conception. This symbolizes the fact that before the sun god
son) is born we find an entire line of feminine functions which are coming
forth out
of themselves, by parthenogenesis. The birth of Mary is therefore the
last in
the chain.
Bell of peace, Hiroshima Japan
Professor Van der Stock talked about this repeatedly and has given us
his vision of this series of functions emanating from the Wisdom of the Deep.
The cycle begins with the young Virgin Mother who in due time will give birth
to the son, the Christ, the Anointed One. The influence of the Daughter as
Queen of Heaven and Earth starts to come into action in this period too.
Being doubtful, Muhammad
descended from Mount Hira and told everything to his wife Khadijah. He feared he
had encountered an evil spirit. Khadijah
then took him to her old cousin Waraqa ibn Nawfalwho who was a very wise man, well-versed
in sacred texts and different religions. He told Muhammad that he indeed had encountered
a messenger of God and that the angel who had visited Muhammad was the same divine
messenger, Gabriel, who had also visited the Hebrew prophet Moses.
the following twenty-three years, Muhammad was visited many times by Jibril who made him aware of holy knowledge . This sacred knowledge consists of the
code of conduct that Allah asked his people to follow. It is
inscribed in verses in the holy Qur'an, the most sacred book
in Islam.
It is said that this
sacred knowledge was revealed to Muhammad during the month of Ramadan.
"Laylat al-Qadr" - the "Night
of the Power", the holiest night of the year.
As a mark of respect
to Allah and to show gratitude to him, the followers of Islam pass the month of Ramadan fasting,
in prayers aand at end they celebrate
with great festivities.
During Ramadan, Muslims ask for forgiveness and pray for guidance. They purify themselves through self-restraint and good deeds. The dates for Ramadan vary, move backwards about eleven days each year depending on a moon calendar. Muslims believe Ramadan to be an excellent month to receive the revelations of God themselves, Insha’allah – God willing.
of Our Lady
September 8, we celebrate the Nativity of our Lady Mary; a new foundation is
given by the Mother of all life, to tackle the last four months of the year,
this is a festival to which we should pay special attention.
In this month, we start a new feminine year. This is one of the Marial festivals, which
link us directly to the Feminine Hierarchy and the Order of Great Priestesses. According
to the gospel of James, St. Anne and her husband Joachim, after years of childlessness
they were visited by the angel Gabriel who told them they would conceive a
child. (See the month of July for
reference to St. Anne).
new awareness follows the Assumption of Our Lady, which happened last month. Now
a withdrawal into Silence, into the depth of Great Wisdom, which is the
foundation of the Great Mother, is taking place.
Some have described this time as a dark diamond which
rises from the depths of the earth, with its purifying rays, it cleanses,
readjusts and realigns our whole being as well as all the beings of this planet.
This is a fundamental spiritual moment that presents us with
the possibility of going back to our own “birth”; to start over in a virginal
state of purity.
this time when we can find our deepest core, hard and mysterious as the dark
diamond. This is a special opportunity to transform our center.
This action is described by the alchemic saying: V.I.T.R.I.O.L., “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem": “Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying (purifying) you will find the hidden stone.” The motto originated in L’Azoth des Philosophes by the 15th Century alchemist Basilius Valentinus.
This action is described by the alchemic saying: V.I.T.R.I.O.L., “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem": “Visit the interior of the earth and rectifying (purifying) you will find the hidden stone.” The motto originated in L’Azoth des Philosophes by the 15th Century alchemist Basilius Valentinus.
In psychological terms, taking a long hard, honest look at
yourself will allow you to come away with the wisdom to change, advance and interiorize some of
the hard lessons of life. In essence, you will be refreshed and reborn.
In visiting this deep and sacred place within ourselves,
we can also take this opportunity to re-dedicate our lives to the service e of the
World Mother and to the service of the Great White Brotherhood of which She is
the Jewel.
Feast Day of Saint Sophia
Sophia is the phonetic
spelling in Latin of the Greek ΣοφÃα, or word
for wisdom. Sophia can be described as the wisdom of God. She is mentioned in
both the Bible, the Talmud, and the Quran.
An important aspect of Sophia is that
she is not considered fallen or in any way corrupt, she has no need of
redemption. She is pure, virgin essence, wisdom,
untainted by the material world.
She is a powerful symbol in Russian Orthodox,
Greek orthodox and the Jewish faiths. She is considered as existing outside
creation but compassionately interceding on behalf of humanity to alleviate
suffering by inspiring true spiritual seekers with wisdom.
Today Sophia is thought of as 'the Glory of God'
or “the dwelling place of God” and can be understood as
divine intuition.
In Judaism
The Shekina is the spiritual presence of god. It is told She is present in acts
of public prayer, She the Holy Spirit of the Catholics, and as such she represents peace,
reassurance, calmness, and tranquility.
Wisdom has built her house;
She has hewn out its seven pillars.
And She says:
From the beginning, before the earth
Before the oceans, I was already
I was born before the springs were
abounding with water,
Before the mountains settled in
Before the hills were formed, I was
given birth,
Before He made the earth or its
Or any of the dust of the world.
I was there when He set the heavens
into place.
When He marked out the horizon on the
face of the deep
When He established the clouds above,
And fixed securely the fountains of
the deep,
When He prescribed the sea its limit
So that the waters would stay in its
And when He marked the foundations of
the Earth,
I was at His side, always,
Filling Him with delight
And rejoicing in His presence.
Blessed are those who listen to Me,
For whoever finds Me, finds Life.

One type of traditional mooncake is filled with lotus
seed paste. These are quite filling and
meant to be cut diagonally in quarters to be passed around. A word of caution: the salty
yolk in the middle, representing the full moon, is an acquired taste.
Elaborate versions of mooncakes contain four egg yolks (representing the four phases of the moon) and lotus seed paste. Mooncakes can take up to four weeks to make and other traditional fillings include red bean paste and black bean paste. Unfortunately, mooncakes are rather high in calories.
Elaborate versions of mooncakes contain four egg yolks (representing the four phases of the moon) and lotus seed paste. Mooncakes can take up to four weeks to make and other traditional fillings include red bean paste and black bean paste. Unfortunately, mooncakes are rather high in calories.
Autumnal Equinox – Mabon
At the autumn equinox, the exact time between physical day
and night is equal.
Mabon is the mid-harvest festival, and it is when we take a few moments to honor the changing seasons, and celebrate the second harvest.
King’s week
chapter on Kings Week)
Sept 22 – Sept 29! The Regent of our Solar
system, Lord of the SUN, takes inventory of all the planets at
this time. He measures their advancement in keeping with the Plan given out by
the Hierarchy given to each for this year.
We know that by Saint Michael’s day,
September 29th, the process will have been accomplished by the Lords of all the
Planets. In three consecutive days, they will finish the tasks of the year,
pick-up whatever they have missed, correct what went wrong, and do what should
have been done. Then a new stimulus will be given to all.
Though there is nothing really that we can
do on the level of the other planets, and even very little on the level of our
own planet as a whole, yet we can start to work for and on ourselves. We can review with
our mind’s eye and with our hearts our imperfections and judge the tasks we have
been given to accomplish but have not finished. As we have been told that during the last
three months of the year we have the possibility yet to correct our work. We
have an opportunity here to catch up if we need to.
This week allows us to meditate and work on
ourselves and in our environment with the seven rays, the seven chakras and any
other septenary group for healing, resolution and new beginnings.
- ARCHANGEL MICHAEL who serves in the First Ray which is the Blue Ray and the Ray of Protection and Power
- ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL who serves on the Second or Yellow Ray which is the Ray of Illumination and Wisdom
- ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL who serves on the Third or Pink Ray which is the Ray of Love
- ARCHANGEL GABRIEL who serves on the Fourth or White Ray which is the Ray of Harmony and Purity
- ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL who serves on the Fifth Ray or Green Ray which is the Ray of Healing
- ARCHANGEL URIEL who serves on the Sixth Ray or Gold Ray which is the Ray of Peace
- ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL who serves on the Seventh Ray or Violet Ray which is the Ray of Freedom
The entire month of September leads to the great Sun
Festival of Saint Michael, King’s Week ,the yearly Great Balancing and Judging
period of our Solar System. This will make it make possible for Terra to take
Her place in full harmony in the great play of our Solar System. It is a
glorious time, a time also of new beginnings on a new foundation.(see chapter on Kings week).
Michaelmas is the culmination of King's week and the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel
on September 29. The Archangel Michael is one of the principal angelic
warriors, honored for defeating Lucifer, he seen as a protector against the
dark of night, and an administrator of cosmic intelligence.
Michaelmas is a festival and celebration of the Individual resurrecting his/her spiritual natures; it celebrates the realization of one’s Higher Self. The Michael Impulse is “inspired” during the Fall season infusing us all with the characteristics of courage of the Soul, strength of will, and the wisdom of Light. Michaelmas is the polar opposite of the Easter celebration in the Spring. In Easter, Jesus Christ was physically crucified on the cross (Death) but then resurrected. In Michaelmas, the Soul is purified thenresurrected from within. Thus we come to looking inward, as in Spring we begin to expand our view out.
So, as the story goes, Archangel Michael slays the
Dragon, who is otherwise known as Satan, Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, etc.
This Dragon is also a Divine Being who has chosen to separate itself away from God
(or the Creator) and because he was so influential, the impulse of Michael was
warranted to send this fallen angel not into the depths of the Earth, but
rather into the essences of Earth’s main inhabitants, Humans.
The shooting stars that are so common during the late Summer and early Fall symbolize the flashing Sword of Michael battling the Dragon. This Dragon lives within each and every one of us. The way to feed and nurture this energy is by not acknowledging our spiritual nature as well as ignoring the spiritual natures of all other living creatures. The greatest energy of this Dragon centers around our heart region. Imagine the phrase “having a heart of coal or stone”, this is what happens with a fattened Dragon. When one achieves the self-realization of the God within (ie. discovering our true and original spiritual nature), the Dragon starves.
The shooting stars that are so common during the late Summer and early Fall symbolize the flashing Sword of Michael battling the Dragon. This Dragon lives within each and every one of us. The way to feed and nurture this energy is by not acknowledging our spiritual nature as well as ignoring the spiritual natures of all other living creatures. The greatest energy of this Dragon centers around our heart region. Imagine the phrase “having a heart of coal or stone”, this is what happens with a fattened Dragon. When one achieves the self-realization of the God within (ie. discovering our true and original spiritual nature), the Dragon starves.
Despite the Dragon being manifested evil, it actually serves a grander purpose and has a significant reason for being. It is because of this nefarious beast that Man has Free Will and the capability to be independent. It is for this reason that we can not “blame” God when bad things happen to good people. As one gains a deeper understanding of this dynamic, there’s no longer any need to cast blame because things are simply evolving the way they should (if this perplexes you or confuses you, some study into karma and reincarnation may help).
So on our human level, this is a time to look at what we have done during the year, to ask for forgiveness from those we may have injured, and to forgive ourselves for any pain we may have inflicted, even unintentionally. We also have to forgive those who caused us suffering, again “putting the meter on zero” so to say, and starting anew.
Interestingly enough, one does not have to be a
Christian to celebrate Michaelmas. In fact other religions have similar
celebrations around the Fall season. In Judaism, Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish “New
Year” is typically celebrated around the Fall Equinox and is followed ten days later by
the “Day of Atonement” of Yom Kippur. Michaelmas is about a week after the Fall
Equinox and a day after Yom Kippur. In Yom Kippur, one makes amends for the
past year’s sins and one can look at a sin as anything that brings one further
away from their soul-spiritual natures. In Islamic religion this is a month where Muslims intensify
their worship and contemplation through acts such as fasting. Fasting is
another way of clearing away the “death” within you so as to step fully into
your faith. Hmmm, sounds like Ramadan, Yom Kippur, Michaelmas, Mabon and the Fall
season are very much in line with each other.
What does this all mean for you? Take advantage of the
cosmic rhythms by doing some fasting and cleansing and detoxification during
this Fall season. Know that the season’s characteristics of courage, strength
of will, and wisdom with clarity are all there for you to use.

Hashanah observances include: eating a piece of apple dipped in honey to
symbolize the desire for a sweet year, and other special foods symbolic of the
new year's blessings. Blessing one another with the words Leshanah tovah
tikateiv veteichateim, "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good
year." Tashlich, a special prayer
said near a body of water (an ocean, river, pond, etc.) in evocation of the
verse, "And You shall cast their sins into the depths of the sea."
And as with every major Jewish holiday, after candlelighting and prayers the Kiddush is recited and a blessing is invoked on the Challah.
means 'nine' and 'ratri' means 'night'. Thus, 'Navratri' means 'nine nights'.
There are many legends attached to the conception of Navratri as with all
Indian festivals. Each night is related to Goddess Shakti (Hindu Mother
Goddess) and her various forms.
It is one of the
most celebrated festivals of Hindu calendar. The first three days of Navratri are dedicated to Goddess Durga (Warrior
Goddess) dressed in red and mounted on a lion. Her various incarnations -
Kumari, Parvati and Kali - are worshipped during these days. They represent the
three different classes of womanhood that include the child, the young girl and
the mature woman. The Goddess Durga is the mother of the universe and believed to
be the power behind the work of creation, preservation, and destruction of the
world. Since time immemorial she has been worshipped as the supreme power of
the Supreme Being and has been mentioned in many scriptures - Yajur Veda,
Vajasaneyi Samhita and Taittareya Brahman.
The Meaning of "Durga"
The word
"Durga" in Sanskrit means a fort, or a place which is difficult to
overrun. Another meaning of "Durga" is "Durgatinashini,"
which literally translates into "the one who eliminates sufferings."
Thus, Hindus believe that goddess Durga protects her devotees from the evils of
the world and at the same time removes their miseries.

The last
three days are dedicated to the Goddess Saraswati (Goddess Of Knowledge), dressed
in milky white and mounted on a pure white swan. Sweetmeats are prepared for
the celebrations. Children and adults dress up in new bright-colored dresses
for the night performances. Saraswati is the Goddess of leaning,
knowledge, and wisdom. The Sanskrit word sara means "essence" and swa
means "self." Thus Saraswati means "the essence of the
self." Saraswati is represented in Hindu mythology as the divine consort
of Lord Brahma, the Creator of the universe. Since knowledge is necessary for
creation, Saraswati symbolizes the creative power of Brahma. Goddess Saraswati
is worshipped by all persons interested in knowledge, especially students,
teachers, scholars, and scientists.
The Queen of the East, brings us her special
protection and gives us the foundation for the process of Judgment at the end
of the month.
Her purity and new approach will give us the option to
start afresh and to finish in these last 4 months of the year whatever we have
started before. All our tasks should be consummated before the end of the year,
when a New Message will be given out at Christmas.
This reflects the rhythms of the seasons where in Spring, the Earth is in a state of expiration (exhalation) and during Autumn it is in a state of inspiration (inhalation). In Autumn, the Earth on a superficial level is experiencing death with the shedding of leaves and the dying of its plants, while within its greatest depths it is taking in (inspiring) the new, Heavenly forces from the Cosmos in which new growth can be manifested and “exhaled” during the Spring and Summer seasons. This is why the spiritual characteristic of Autumn is Clarity. One cannot take in (and be clear with) what is new if one does not let go of what is old.
This reflects the rhythms of the seasons where in Spring, the Earth is in a state of expiration (exhalation) and during Autumn it is in a state of inspiration (inhalation). In Autumn, the Earth on a superficial level is experiencing death with the shedding of leaves and the dying of its plants, while within its greatest depths it is taking in (inspiring) the new, Heavenly forces from the Cosmos in which new growth can be manifested and “exhaled” during the Spring and Summer seasons. This is why the spiritual characteristic of Autumn is Clarity. One cannot take in (and be clear with) what is new if one does not let go of what is old.
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