Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pisces February 19 - March 20


February 19 – March 20

“The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be.
Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us —
there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice,
 a faint sensation of a distant memory,
as if we were falling from a great height.
We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries”.
Carl Sagan

March Dates:

Mahashivaratri - Hindu night God-Goddess Shiva-Shakti
Ash Wednesday,Christian, Beginning of Lent
Holi-Hindu Festival - Courting of God Shiva by Goddess Parvati
Ides of March, Roman New Year
Montsegur Day, Gnostic holy remembrance day of the slain Cathar  gnostics burned at the stake on this day in 1244 A.D.
St. Patrick's DayDionysos' Festival (Greek) Liberalia (Roman) Celtic festival of rebirth of the Green Man        
Festival of Astarte - Canaanite Holy Land Goddess of Love 
Nawruz, Persian, Purim (Jewish) and Roman New Year and a new start of the Zodiac cycle 
March Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Ostara, first day of Spring. night and day are equally long
Ostara or Eostre's Day (Wiccan)
Feast Day of Archangel Gabriel, Catholic,angel messenger
Annunciation, Catholic , premonition given to Mary by Archangel Gabriel that she is going to be mother to the Son of God.
Kwan Yin Birthday (Chinese) 
Festival of Ishtar (Babylonian) 
Luna Festival (Roman)

Native American: Full Worm Moon
The ground softens and the earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of the robins. northern tribes knew this as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signals the end of winter, The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees. A time of fast thinkers and easy communication.

Wiccan: Storm Moon
The life force of plants is stirring under the frost and animals are beginning to feel their young in their womb. Roots and branches are filling and changing color from the sap under this subtle pressure. This is a good time for healing magic. Think of the sap as the blood running through your veins carrying vitality, health and healing.


Duality:  Feminine
Element:  Water
Position: Mutable
Symbol:  Two fish swimming in opposite directions

Planet: Neptune
Flower: Daffodil
Gemstone: Aquamarine

Anatomy rule by this signFeet and toes

Best Food: Eat things rich in iron. Spinach, kale, dark leafy greens.

Avoid:  Dreaming and being   without  goals

Colors:Soft pea-green, indigo, and violet
Action needed:  Structure and discipline to make your dreams come true.
Motto:  I believe”



Pisces symbolizes that level of consciousness where the individual soul has merged itself into Atma, spirit. Here ends the cycle of spirit and again starts with Aries.



Pisces is a sign of emotions, dreams, visions, artistry and high ideals. The lesson here consists in living up to your ideals and accomplishing something in your life not swimming around in the ocean of inactivity.

The ability to dream, if put into practice, can inspire artistry, creativity, and all forms of artistic endeavor. Your sensitivity enables you to perceive the emotions and needs of other people.

You live in a world of complex feelings; the question is, what can you do with them? Your great gift is the ability to dream. This can refer to dreams about the new and still untried, but can also implies daydreaming, escapism and running away from problems. Alcohol and drugs are often used as an escape route, and anyone who has an emphasis on Pisces in her horoscope should always be aware of this weakness.

The wise Piscean develops empathy and compassion. For the undisciplined Pisces you can allow others to control you. The lower aspect of empathy is self-pity, which is something every Piscean really has to be on her guard against. An immature Pisces is apt to swim around without any anchor. It is therefore important for you to develop discipline and structure so that you can achieve your goals in life, You also need a large amount of courage to deal with the problems you meet.

This romantic sign has visions as few others. Your willing self-sacrifice, in which you are ready to give up everything that hinders you, leads you down the road of unselfishness and to the world of the spirit. The high visions, the artistry and sensitivity you possess entails success at anything having to do with imagination and fantasy.

Myths and Legends:

The Sign of Pisces

The symbol for Pisces is an image of two fish linked together with a cord or ribbon based on the actual placement of the stars in the sky. This sign was known in ancient Egypt as the sign of KUN, meaning the Tail, the end of the cycle of the old zodiac.

The fish swim in opposite directions, representing the two opposing currents of energy in our being. They are at once our highest spiritual goals and our lowest material  intentions, connecting the highest created form of the universe itself, to the smallest particle of matter. It is impossible to distinguish between these two opposing and complimentary energies. This is the sign of the double origin. The power of this sign is in the friction of these forces and in the delicate balancing that brings about new creation – the spiritual embryo, the first step on a higher rung of the new spiral.
The Christian fish symbol was first seen in the early catacombs in Rome. According to tradition, ancient Christians, during their persecution by the Roman Empire used the fish pictogram to mark meeting places and tombs, or to distinguish friends from foes:

When a Christian met a stranger in the road, the Christian would draw one arc of the simple fish outline in the dirt. If the stranger drew the other arc, thus both knew they were in good company. The current bumper-sticker of the fish hearkens back to this practice.

Maha Shivaratri

This is a wonderful festival to start our month of sensual energy and awakening. Mahashivaratri  is a Hindu fast, night vigil, and feast for the God and Goddess Shiva-Pravati Shakti (union of Will and Power), who dances to create, destroy, and re-create the universe. Tantric Hindus believe Shiva is within all men and Shakti within all women. Just as the waves of the cosmic ocean take back all matter to dissolve it, recycle it and reform it into new matter.

Early in the morning people take a bath and wear new clothes. Temples are visited to worship the Shiv lingam and make offerings of milk, rose water, honey, basel leaves, curd and fruits. The Lingam is a masculine symbol as the yoni is feminine.

‘Anandatandava,' meaning, ‘the Dance of Bliss is the dance of creation that Shiva performs on this day. It is a pictorial allegory of the five principal manifestations of eternal energy:
  • 'Shrishti' - creation, evolution
  • 'Samhara' - destruction, evolution
  • 'Sthiti' - preservation, support
  • Anugraha' - release, salvation, grace
  • 'Tirobhava' - illusion
In response Parvati dances the Lasya – a more graceful allegory of the movement of the cosmic ocean. Three stripes of ashes are worn on the forehead symbolizing the three eyes of Shiva.

Ash Wednesday -  Beginning of Lent

In the Catholic tradition, Ash Wednesday is a reminder for us of our return to the earth:

“Remember, O man, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return”.
—Genesis 3:19

We can use this opportunity to experience a transformation to refocus our lives. Are you ready to burn your outworn clothes and let the past behind?

From this state of Oneness we can remake our lives, re-direct our energies, feel her Love and Power pulsing through us. It makes all things possible, all troubles, strife and violence disappear from our beings as well as from the Earth.

Let the tremendous reducing and purifying power of Silence roar through your being like the light of the sun shines through the crystal icicles of this month. Let this silence shine through the world and all its creatures, in order that all life forms can return to their basic essence and be simplified, re-calibrated, re-oriented, re-evaluated  and set out on their path renewed.

In the Christian calendar, is the first day of Lent and occurs 46 days (40 days not counting Sundays) before Easter. It is a moveable fast, falling on a different date each year because it is dependent on the date of Easter. It can occur as early as February 4 (February 5 on leap years) or as late as March 10.Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of church goers as a sign of repentance. The ashes are usually the previous year's Palm Sunday palms which are burned. In the liturgical practice of some churches, the ashes are mixed with the Oil of the Catechumens (one of the sacred oils used to anoint those about to be baptized), though some churches use ordinary oil. This paste is used by the minister to make the sign of the cross, first upon his or her own forehead and then on those of congregants.
The Rev. John Schmeidler ignites some palm fronds in front of school children from St. John Catholic School, 1208 Ky. The palms, which were used in last year’s Palm Sunday services, were burned to make ashes for today’s Ash Wednesday services.


Lent is the forty day period beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on Easter Sunday every year. It is often either not understood or  ignored. Lent is a time in which we intentionally purify our bodies (physical, emotional, lower mental – the personality) through prayer, reflection, contemplation, solitude and fasting so that we can meet with equanimity and composure the new fiery energies of Aries and step into the new Spiritual year, manifesting on a higher level of rhythm than the last year.

The purpose of “giving something up for Lent” is to symbolize the purification process mentioned above -Lenten disciplines are  also observed to  prepare our bodies the next month of solar initiations.

The Christ Himself participated in this Lenten ritual, living, fasting, contemplating and praying in the desert for forty days and nights. In the desert solitude, the Christ’s physical, emotional and mental bodies were tested and transformed. 
The purpose for this desert experience was to prepare, himself  for the upcoming trials (Initiations) He would endure –

1.   Palm Sunday’s entrance into Jerusalem
2.   The Last Supper
3.   Transfiguration on Mount Tabor
4.   Gethsemane experience
5.   Betrayal
6.   Crucifixion
7.   Death
8.   Resurrection

These Initiations are also our (humanity’s) Initiations. This is a creation story much older than Christianity.

Lent purification prepares us for the transformation of our physical and divine natures. We consciously will and allow our being to be washed in the cosmic ocean of Pisces and transformed to meet the needs of the new year’s energies given to us in April. We, as humans can use our intent and fill ourselves with goodwill for humanity to prepare for the upcoming rebirth of the spirit at Easter or Oester.

Holi Hindu Festival

Courting of God Shiva by Goddess Parvati and the efforts on Her behalf by Kama (God of Love) and Rati (Goddess of Passion). 

Every year, thousands of Hindus participate in the festival Holi. The festival has many purposes. First and foremost, it celebrates the beginning of the new season, spring. Originally, it was a festival that commemorated good harvests and the fertile land. Hindus believe it is a time of enjoying spring's abundant colors and saying farewell to winter.  During this event, participants hold a bonfire, throw colored powder at each other, and celebrate wildly.

Ides of March

In many traditions, this is the start of the new year. The Roman year began on the ides of March 15th. The astrological year begins on the equinox , and when the moon moves into the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries, the Ram. The Greek God Ares is equivalent to the Roman Mars for whom the month of March is named.

Montsegur Day

The ruins of Montségur are at  3000-feet (1207 m) in altitude in the south of France near the Pyrenees Mountains. Located in France's Languedoc-Midi-Pyrénées regions, southwest of Carcassonne. The earliest signs of human settlement in the area date back to the stone age, around 80,000 years ago. Evidence of Roman occupation such as Roman currency and tools have also been found in and around the site.

In 1243–44, the Cathars (a religious sect considered heretical by the Catholic Church) were besieged at Montségur by 10,000 troops at the end of the Albigensian Crusade. In March 1244, the Cathars finally surrendered and approximately 220  “perfecti” were burned en- masse in a bonfire at the foot of the mount when they refused to renounce their faith. Some 25 actually took the ultimate Cathar vow of consolamentum perfecti in the two weeks before the final surrender.

In the days prior to the fall of the fortress, several Cathars allegedly slipped through the besiegers' lines carrying away a mysterious "treasure" with them. While the nature and fate of this treasure has never been identified, there has been much speculation as to what it might have consisted of — from the treasury of the Cathar Church to esoteric books or even the actual Holy Grail. The grail was taken by Joseph of Aramathea to England from the three Marys in southern Europe so this is not an unlikely stop on the way.

Some speculate that the ancient ruins in this area date back to the time of Atlantis. This could be possible as the foundations of Atlantis have been recently in the south of Spain, not too far away. Look at the BBC/National Geographic  movie special: Finding Atlantis.

St. Patrick’s Day (Green Man) 

Dionysos' Festival (Greek), Bacchus' Day (Roman)
Liberalia (Roman)

The rumors of Dionysus dancing and drinking in the forest groves with virgins cavorting all around him are true! This is a honest account of the Celtic/Druid tradition of the spring ritual of renewal.

The Green man is the last vestige of Pan, Dionysus,  Bacchus, the forest King. He is found painted and chiseled in cathedrals and churches across norther Europe, hidden in the capitols of columns and tucked discreetly into the woodwork of homes and town halls. He is a powerful symbol of the old religion. The Stag, primitive male nature, the impulse of growth and abandon. The act of love making as one of Magik’s most profound rituals.
If you look closely at St. Patrick who delivered Ireland of snakes…you will find the green man with wonderful phallic symbols curled about his feet– this is how to hide an ancient God in plain sight!

In the Old Religion: Wicca or Witchcraft, at the Spring Equinox, the Old King is challenged and killed by a new young buck who fights  him and takes as his prize his daughter. This establishes a matriarchal lineage and allows for new blood to enter the royal house. The baby created on this occasion will be born in December.

Look to Shakespeare - A Midsummer nights Dream (1590 AD) to enter into the wold of Pan and the Fairy Queen Titania. Tara referred to these underworlds as the domain of Pan and warned us to be careful in their exploration. Farie has it’s dark side and many people have been tempted off the spiritual path with the promise of the beauty and powers only available in the fairy worlds.

The old religion or Celtic and Druid traditions relied on herbal medicine, animal magic, awareness of elemental emotions and keen observation of the stars and the seasons. This was a time when the elemental spirits danced freely among us and we cherished them as sacred.The Druids created Stonehenge, which is a temple to nature and a  precise observatory of the sky, sun and stars even today .


Festival of Astarte 

See Festival of Ishtar below.

Nawruz - Purim

Persian for "New Light", this is the name of the New Year in the Iranian calendar.

The Jewish festival of Purim is probably adopted from the Persian New Year. It is also a holy day for Sufis, Ismailis, and members of the Bahá'í Faith. As well as being a Zoroastrian holiday and having significance amongst the Zoroastrian ancestors of modern Iranians, at the same time it is celebrated in parts of the South Asian sub-continent. The moment the Sun crosses the celestial equator and equalizes night and day is calculated exactly every year and Iranian families gather together to observe the rituals.

You can celebrate the festival of Nawruz, or Persian New Year by fixing a special dinner of seven food dishes that begin with ‘S.’ We can use English words and eat: salad, sandwich, soup, squash, etc. The table is decorated with a mirror, a bowl of water with one freshly-picked green leaf floating in it, a candelabra containing a candle for every child in the house, a copy of the Koran (or other sacred text), rose water, sweets, fruit, a fish, yogurt and colored eggs. The Jewish tradition is almost identical. 

The UN's General Assembly in 2010 recognized the International Day of Nowruz, describing it a spring festival of Persian origin which has been celebrated for over 3,000 years.

The other great feast day of the Muslim religious calendar-often simply called "the Great Feast" is the "Feast of the Sacrifice"(Eid al-Adh,) which specifically commemorates Abraham's sacrifice and God's response. It falls on the 10th day of the Pilgrimage month, Dhul-Hijjah. It comes at the culmination of the various rituals of the Hajj on the two preceding days, many of which are commemorations of key events involving Abraham, Hagar, Ishmael and other sacred figures at the beginning of Islam. Like the customs of Ramadan, the "Feast of the Sacrifice" was instituted by Muhammad during the last, Medinan period of his mission.


March Equinox

This is the beginning of the Zodiac cycle; Aries begins with the end of March. This is the start of a new cycle, new energies are given to us, so this “New Year” celebration is actually the remains of a much more ancient creation tradition.


Also known as: Vernal Equinox, and Ostara.  This equinox marks the beginning of Spring. Days and nights are exactly equal, the sun rises and sets in the exact east and west. Thus the name: equi (equal) nox (night).

The Spring equinox is a sacred celebration of dawn, youth, the morning star and the east. The Saxon goddess, Ostara (from whose name we get the direction East and the holiday Easter) is a dawn goddess, like Aurora and Eos. Just as the dawn is the time of new light, so the vernal equinox is the time of new life.
This holiday represents the first impulse of creation, but also the annual creation (planting so crops grow each year) and most symbolic: perpetual creation. Fertility symbols abound such as eggs and rabbits.  Spring or Vernal Equinox begins a forty-day period, which culminates with May Day, another fertility Spring festival of ancient origin.  This forty-day period is one of four in the esoteric Church year.  The other three forty day periods are:  Fall Equinox (Sept 22 or 23) to Halloween/All Saints Day (Oct. 31, Nov.1), Dec. 25 to Candlemas (Feb 1 or 2) and of course, Lent.



The Wiccan celebration of the  Spring Equinox which marks the first day of true Spring. The hours of day and night are equal. The Goddess fully regains her strength and envelops the earth with fertility. Light is overtaking darkness, and the young Sun God is now maturing. The slowness of Winter is taken over by the fruitful bustle of Spring. Ostara is a time for beginnings, action, and planting opportunities for the future.

Eostre, "to shine" is closely related to the name Hausos, the goddess of dawn, which is related to the Greek: “Eos”, Roman “Aurora” and Indian “Ushas”.

Eostre has given its name to the festival of Easter. Again we come back to the new beginning, the spring. The rebirth of the soul.  See April and Easter for a full descrtiption.

Feast Day of Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel, whose name means, "Power of God," or "Might of God"  is an archangel who serves as a messenger for the most holy. Gabriel brings us to divine inspiration and  future knowledge as in the prophesy of the  birth of St. John the Baptist and Jesus. In Islam, Gabriel was the messenger of God  that brought or rather revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad.

In Rabbinic traditions Gabriel is one of the four sarei ha-panim, high angels that stand at the Throne of Glory, standing at the left hand of God. He is the angel of revelation, the Prince of Fire. Gabriel is often depicted as male, but is occasionally portrayed as androgynous or female. Gabriel and Michael were the witnesses to the marriage of Adam and Eve.

Note this feast day comes one day before the celebration of the Annunciation when Gabriel performs his most famous task.  Announcing to the Virgin Mary that she will bear the Son of God, the Christ.

Since 1970, the Catholic Church no longer recognizes this day as the feast day for Gabriel, ending over a thousand year tradition. Instead the church is  choosing rather to recognize all the archangels during King’s Week especially on Michaelmass in September.  Originally the Church had an angel for each of the four "corners" of the year, the solstices and equinoxes. It was the Church's only recognition of these "pagan" holy days. Spring is Raphael, Summer (Uriel), Autumn (Michael) and Winter is Gabriel. the Angels of the Four Winds or cardinal points are: Uriel (south), Michael (east), Raphael (west), and Gabriel (north).

In English-speaking cultures, the image of Gabriel is as the angel that shall blow the trumpet blast that initiates the end of time and the general resurrection at the Last Judgment, although this reference has no source in the Hebrew Bible or the New Testament. We can look above to the beginning of this month for the celebration of the cycle of destruction and renewal that is taking place for strongly this time of year.


This is the day a premonition given to Mary by Archangel Gabriel that she was going to be the Theotokos (God-bearer),  mother to the Son of God, the Christ. Despite being a virgin, Mary would miraculously conceive a child who would be called the Son of God. Gabriel told Mary to name her son Jesus, meaning "YHWH delivers"

Most of Christianity observes this event with the Feast of the Annunciation on 25 March, nine full months before Christmas. According to the Bible the Annunciation occurred in "the sixth month" of Elizabeth's pregnancy with the child who would later become known as John the Baptist.

Note, this is the same creation story at the same time of year as recounted above in the story of the green man ritual of the Druids, we can assume this story long preceded Christianity and was gathered from far more ancient sources then integrated into the Christan myth.

In the Bible, the Annunciation story is narrated in the book of Luke, Chapter 1, which closely parallels the same story in the Qur’an:

Now in the sixth month, the archangel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary. Having come in, the angel said to her, "Rejoice, you highly favored one! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women!"

But when she saw him, she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered what kind of salutation this might be. The angel said to her, "Don’t be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, and will call his name ‘Jesus.’ He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father, David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom."

Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, seeing I am a virgin?" The angel answered her, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore also the holy one who is born from you will be called the Son of God. Behold, Elizabeth, your relative, also has conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For everything spoken by God is possible." Mary said, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word." The angel departed from her.

The Feast of the Annunciation can be interpreted as Her Call to us. In our role as priestesses, we should listen for this message. Nine months from this date, we will celebrate Christmas, the birth of the Christ child. Our work is to remind modern women of their divine feminine role as the mothers of future Christs and Buddhas, future divine beings. Once humanity comes to this realization, then truly the Age of Aquarius has begun.

Birth of Kwan Yin

The symbolism of the Goddess Kwan Yin is explained in Gemini in the month of June. She is a predominantly a Chinese goddess of compassion and mercy. Tara is her Tibetan counterpart. The placement of her birthday here at this time of year is a reminder of the Mother’s compassion  in forgiveness and of the love she carries for all her children.

Festival of Ishtar

Ishtar was above all associated with sensuality and sexuality: her cult involved sacred prostitution, her holy city was the Babylonian city of Uruk, called the "town of the sacred courtesans"; and she herself was the "courtesan of the gods". The tradition of the Geisha is parallel to this ideal woman.

Besides the lions on her gate and owls , her symbol is an eight pointed star, eight being the number of the Mother. Note the Festival of Astarte - Canaanite Goddess of Love was earlier this month also.

The myth of Ishtar's descent to the underworld takes place after the death of her lover, Tammuz: scholars thought Ishtar had gone to the underworld to rescue Tammuz. However, the discovery of a corresponding myth about Inanna, the Sumerian counterpart of Ishtar, has thrown some light on the myth of Ishtar's descent.

According to the Inanna myth, Inanna can only return from the underworld if she sends someone back in her place. Demons go with her to make sure she sends someone back. However, each time Inanna runs into someone, she finds them to be a friend and lets them go free. When she finally reaches her home, she finds her husband Dumuzi (Babylonian Tammuz) seated on his throne, not mourning her at all. In anger, Inanna has the demons take Dumuzi back to the underworld as her replacement. Dumuzi's sister Geshtinanna is grief-stricken and volunteers to spend half the year in the underworld, during which time Dumuzi can go free. The Ishtar myth presumably has a comparable ending. This is a preview of the Easter story to come. The descent of the goddess into the underworld is a sublte thread that is woven into the yearly cycle.

Joseph Campbell, a modern scholar of comparative mythology, equates Ishtar, Inanna, and Aphrodite, and he draws a parallel between the Egyptian goddess Isis who nurses Horus, and the Babylonian goddess Ishtar who nurses the god Tammuz.


Luna (Roman)

Luna gives us “lunar” from Latin lucere, to shine. Symbol: a crescent Moon. In Greek mythology: Selene. The etymology of Selene is uncertain, but if the word is of Greek origin, it is likely connected to the word selas (σέλας), meaning "brightness". Boreion Selas (Βόρειον Σέλας) is the Greek name for Aurora Borealis, the "northern lights". In modern times, Selene is the root of selenology, the study of the geology of the Moon, and the chemical element selenium.
Her parents were the Titans Hyperion and Theia; her siblings were Helios (the sun) and Eos, the goddess of dawn. Selene fell in love with Endymion, a handsome young shepherd; Zeus cast Endymion into eternal sleep, but Selene visited him in the cave where he slept, and he fathered her 50 daughters (one for each lunar month between Olympiads) and, according to some accounts, Narcissus. In art Selene is often represented as a woman in flowing robes  seated in a chariot with a man sleeping on her lap and a crescent moon on her head . As Luna she had temples in Rome on the Aventine and Palatine hills. Note that statues of the Virgin Mary often have her standing with a foot on the crescent moon. The moon is a symbol of femininity as it is mysteriously connected with the tides of the oceans and the menses cycles of woman.


We have been told that in this month the Mother’s manifestation on Earth is taking a new form and a new density. She is becoming closer to us than ever before as she sacrifices her highest spiritual form, Her heavenly throne. She is beginning to prepare the earth for the Return of Her Son, the One who is awaited and predicted. Showing us the way to Great Mysteries that will be opened with the opening of Her Heart. This is a powerful time for all who are in the priesthood and priestess-hood.

We realize that Her work in this cycle is of preparation and gestation. We are being called to furnish the energy and materials to form the vessels into which the outpourings of the Mother can be channeled and blended together in a beautiful and harmonious whole. We can help to create this river of light and inspiration for the messengers of light to direct and use.

One of the great and mysterious secrets of this work are the infinite number of waves of Light or Devas (the shining ones) or angelic expressions that surround all manifested life forms. They bring all matter particles back to the Mother who transforms them into Prima Materia. This work of dissolving is a real work of Love that goes on forever, preceding every new creation of Harmony and Beauty the Mother brings forth.
On a personal level, through the intelligence of the Heart (the Higher Mind), we can and must bring the highest and lowest points of our being together if we hope to receive the intuition of the Plan in order to complete the task awaiting us. In these trying times, let us not forget to sit down in meditation, to “sit at Her feet” and let ourselves be flooded by Her Will. Let us try to listen to Her Messengers coming to us and be comforted by Her Light.

The Bible also describes an astrological sign called the "Morning Star" which is a reference to the planet Venus. The Morning Star, also known as the "light bringer", is also an astrological symbol that functions as a sign for the onset of dawn. It appears as a brilliant "star" at night just before the sun rises and heralds the new light each morning. The greatest function of this "light bringer" is as a symbolic reference to the Messiah who brings the light of God to the people. “May Her Will be done”

End of the Age of Pisces and

The Beginning of the Age of Aquarius

Astrological ages advance in opposite order than the zodiac– this is normally called retrograde. Therefore, the Age of Aquarius follows the Age of Pisces. We are currently moving into the Aquarian Age. See the introduction for a fuller explanation of this phenomenon. 

These ages are believed to affect mankind, some believe the ages correspond to the rise and fall of mighty civilizations and cultural tendencies. Aquarius traditionally "rules" electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealists, modernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebels and rebellion. Other keywords and ideas believed to be associated with Aquarius are conformity, philanthropy, vervacity, perseverance, humanity and irresolution. The appearance of many of these Aquarian developments over the last few centuries is considered by many astrologers to indicate the beginning of the Aquarian age.

The Mayan Long Count calendar has an end-date of December 21, 2012, and is associated with precession of the equinoxes and therefore can provide an important demarcation for the Age of Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius is a time of harmony of the sexes, understanding and communication. Aquarian children are already being born. They are usually tall, thin, agile, quick and intelligent. They are not attached to material things, communicate easily and have a profound understanding of community service.
Pisces was the age of the mystic. The mystics who bathed their imaginations in the great cosmic waters and who, through prayer and arduous study transformed themselves. They achieved greater understanding of the hidden mysteries slowly and methodically. The connection they established with their soul was individual and hard won. 
Coming to the Aquarian Age, we understand that it will be filled with instantaneous communication, telepathy perhaps? Any student of the occult will acquire knowledge simply and easily. It will be the experiential and wise application of this knowledge that will bring about spiritual growth and a connection with their higher selves. We will no longer work alone. Group work will be most important here. We will form groups, dissolve them and form others, much like flash mob events.

For those hippies among us who remember the Song “Aquarius” from the Broadway show :


“When the moon is in the seventh house
and Jupiter aligns with mars
Then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars

this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
the age of Aquarius


Harmony and understanding
sympathy and trust abounding
no more falsehoods or derisions
golden living dreams of visions
mystic crystals revelations
and the minds true liberation…”

After the age of Aquarius will come the age of Capricorn – this will be the age of  understanding that those judgments which have kept us safe also kept us isolated, and we will need to begin the renewing phase that reunites all of us.